Facebook Updates Insights for a more Detailed Analysis of your Page

We have just received an update (few weeks ago the same feature was rolled out in US ) on one of our pages which enables the highly anticipated new Insights on your Facebook page to help you monitor your audience closely. The feature will slowly roll to all your pages in the coming days, guess our stars aligned, and we were lucky to receive them before hand. So without further delays, lets jump in and see what these new features are and what are the alleys you can now explore with Facebook Insights to keep your page more engaging and interesting:

1: A brand new UI and layout with several new features

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2: Compare performances of all your posts for a better understanding of what is working well with the audience.

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3: Get an overview of the performance of the Page in the last 7 days.

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4: Track your audience and the sort of reach your Page had by looking at the number of people who saw the page. Though it doesn’t have the data of top invidual influencers, like our beta SocialORM tool use to have but it is still helpful.

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5: Keep a track of the progress your page has made everyday.

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6: In depth analysis of engagement progress of your page.

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7: Keep a track of which post is doing well so you get a clear idea what the audience is liking in your content.

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8: Keep a track of your likes and unlikes. Also, you can track the origin of the likes and from where have they come to target new audience.

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9: Keep a track of when your fans are online and what type of post engages your audience the best.

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10: Know your Target Audience.

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So, these were some of the newer features of Facebook Analytics where some of the older ones have been made a little more intuitive and plenty of new ones have been added. It still remains an amazing tool to track your Page and make sure you hit the sweet spot as far as audience is concerned. Do share your feedback about the new analytics when it rolls for you.

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